Karissa Murrell Myers


New Play Exchange

Why I Write

My work as an artist deliberately takes a critical view of our world from a social, political, and cultural perspective, and particularly through the lens of being from a multicultural background. I am one in a long line of strong matriarchs in my family who traveled alone to build a new life. 

I am the child of immigrants, I am the child of pioneers, I am the child of colonizers. 

All of that is in me and influences who I am and what I write as I forget my own path. 

I tell stories that remind us what it means to be Human. I don't write morality plays, and I write characters who are messy and imperfect, which means that sometimes they say "the wrong thing", but always truthfully. My plays are sharp, dark, funny, and sometimes disturbing in nature. My characters fight hard, love harder, and ultimately, are all trying to do their best, even if they fail sometimes and have to pick themselves up time and time again. 

I write for people who love to watch television. 

I write for my parents. 

I write for my siblings. 

I write for my ancestors. 

I write for myself. 

I write for the future. 

I exist on the edge of the older Millennial generation, the generation that still played outside with our friends until it got dark. The last generation to grow up without the ever-present hum of computers and the constant nagging of cell phones. That love of freedom and play is reflected in the work that I do. I dream of a world where those who have been forced to live in the shadows are welcomed into the spotlight. 

And with this in mind, I listen, I listen harder, and I imagine.

Want a full list of my plays? Go here!



